My Background

With an ever-increasing number of programs out there focusing on growth, healing, justice, and wellness, it can be hard to discern what is a good fit. Rather than using marketing gimmicks or guarantees to “convince” you about anything I’m offering, I would rather provide a picture of who I am, my story and my perspectives, to help you discern whether there is alignment between us at this particular juncture of each of our respective journeys. To that end, I offer this short summary of my background.

My life has, on some level, always been a quest for meaning, wholeness, and connection with people. I am a white-bodied male settler born, raised, and currently residing on Shawnee and Miami land colonially known as Cincinnati. I am an educator, writer, organizer, son, brother, and most recently, father. My life’s current purpose is to accompany people as they discover authentic connection with themselves, others, and creation, for the sake of their own liberation and the world’s.

This was not always my main aspiration—in fact far from it. I grew up a hyper-active, rambunctious, even delinquent youth. But my teenage eagerness for fun and adventure eventually evolved into a globally-minded yearning for depth and understanding after living as an exchange student with a German host family for a year. I spent the next decade dedicated to my education, formally as a student of history and several languages, but more significantly as a human being connecting with others in an attempt to find purpose in life. The many years I spent living in Germany, Korea, Turkey, Italy, and Peru gave me a unique lens through which to objectively view and critique the cultural practices I grew up with. They also filled me with an awe at the patchwork quilt that is humanity: simultaneously wonderfully diverse and fascinating, while also containing a core thread of commonality that weaves us together.

I moved back to Cincinnati a decade ago, ready to lay down roots and share what I had picked up along the way. Since then I’ve worked as a high school social studies teacher, all the while deeply involved in various forms of local community organizing, from the movement against police brutality to the teachers’ union. I’m proud of the work I did in that capacity, and also have recognized that in order to engage in the work of systemic change, there is a profound need for spaces where we can practice compassionate nurturance with one another, where we embody the transformative changes that we want to midwife into the world. I’m fortunate to have benefited from several such spaces, and now see it as my life’s most sacred purpose to offer to hold them for others. Buried Wisdom is my small but hopefully meaningful contribution to that end.

You can find more detail about my story in my first blog post.

Gratitude to the lineages that have shaped me

We are all standing on the shoulders of ancestors, teachers, mentors, friends, other-than-human kin, and others. My own ideas and practices have all evolved in some way from ones that I first learned elsewhere. Below is my attempt to trace the most important lineages that have influenced the work that I do.

Cultural Influences

Anabaptist Roots

Deep family roots in the Anabaptist tradition (Brethren & Mennonite), from which I inherited core values of simplicity, non-conformity, and peace-making.

Land Acknowledgement

Cincinnati is the colonial name for the city that raised and nurtured me and which I currently inhabit. It resides on what has been the traditional land of the Shawnee, Miami, Hopewell, Adena, and Osage people, whom I recognize as past, present, and future stewards of that land. I acknowledge my own ancestors’ direct and/or indirect participation in the genocide and land theft that brought me here and accept a responsibility for playing a part in righting that historic injustice.

Cincinnati Public Schools

First as a K-12 student, now as an employee.

Cincy Black Community influence

Only when I went off to college, where most of my peers had grown up in segregated white communities, did I realize how lucky I’d been to grow up in racially diverse spaces. I benefitted from the mentorship of Black teachers and coaches as well as the friendship of Black classmates and neighbors. I was race-conscious from a young age, which has helped me understand the privilege, power, and particularities of my specific social location.

Hip Hop Music & Culture

This art form has been crucial to how I’ve made sense of the world, particularly as a teen and young adult in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Movement Organizing

Heavily involved in anti-police brutality movement organizing through Black Lives Matter: Cincinnati & Mass Action for Black Liberation

Germany and German culture

My family has always kept a strong connection with its German ancestry. When I was 18, I moved to Berlin as an exchange student for a year, which completely changed my life trajectory. I speak the language fluently and have committed to using it as the primary means of communication with my daughter.

Building Rep for Cincinnati Teachers Union

Served as a building representative for the teachers’ union, including in the intense period of organizing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the Life of the World Cafe

I’ve frequented this truly one-of-a-kind cafe, formerly known as Moriah Pie, for nearly a decade. There I learned the beauty of humble service with “pay as you can” offerings.

The Hive

The Hive is a Cincinnati-based educational community doing some really powerful work on the intersections of mindfulness, healing, art and creativity, and social change. I’m a member and have facilitated a few classes there.

Certifications & Programs

Master of Education

Received M.Ed. at Harvard in 2015.

BA in History & German

Received Bachelors of Arts in History and German at Michigan State University.

Academia Vivarium Novum

Studied classical languages, philosophy, and literature at Academia Vivarium Novum in Rome 2012-13; full immersion program with all instruction in Latin or Ancient Greek.

Fulbright Scholarship in Turkey

Spent a year abroad in Trabzon, Turkey teaching English at Karadeniz Technical University.

Somatic Coaching Certification

Currently pursuing certification in somatic coaching at Strozzi Institute.

Embodied Social Justice Certificate

Embodied Social Justice Certificate program with director Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams.

Graduate of “Finding Freedom”

Graduate of Steve Sherwood’s experiential seminar “Finding Freedom,” formerly known as “IPI” through Life Success Seminars.

Other Intellectual Influences

*This is by no means exhaustive, but a short list of the most relevant and long-lasting influences on my current philosophy, politics, and practices.

adrienne maree brown

adrienne maree brown’s Emergent Strategy.

Prentis Hemphill

Prentis Hemphill’s podcast “Finding Our Way.”

Center for Action & Contemplation

The work of Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault & other modern mystics.

Carl Jung

Jungian analytical psychology, particularly dream work.

Resmaa Menakem

Therapist and writer Resmaa Menakem’s Embodied Anti-racism. His framework of using somatics to address white supremacy changed my entire perspective on anti-racism work.

Paulo Freire

Brazilian educator Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

Karl Marx

Karl Marx’s analysis of how material conditions and class affect consciousness.