Group Sessions

Upcoming offering:


Who is this circle for?

This group is open to any and all self-identifying men who are interested in awakening in themselves a greater sense of aliveness, compassion, openness, and purpose. Whether you are looking for a sense of camaraderie that goes beyond beer and sports, feel stuck in your current stage of life, or simply want to renew your sense of purpose and passion, this circle will provide a supportive container in which you can bravely face the mental and emotional barriers preventing you from living with more presence and grace.

What will it look like?

There will be some content, for example on the Jungian concept of the “shadow” as well as bell hooks’ analysis of how patriarchy, while giving men material power, also paradoxically stunts our ability to feel, explore, and mature into whole human beings. But mostly, we will circle up to reflect and share about whatever is happening in our lives. Vulnerable and courageous sharing leads to increased connection and renewed commitments to our values and loved ones.

Where will it meet?

The comfort of my own home in the Westwood neighborhood of Cincinnati. If others agree, we can also meet at other participants’ homes.

When will it meet?

We will meet every Tuesday between September 3rd and October 22nd at 7-9pm, except there will be no meeting on October 8th.

How much does it cost?

There is no set price to join the group. Instead, I invite participants to “pay as you can” based on your financial situation and perceived value of the seven-week experience. Parting from the standard format of payment based on transactional value can be difficult for some, so I provide a suggested donation amount of somewhere between $120-$180. However, you are welcome to join by paying a lower or higher amount. Feel free to reach out with questions.

Sounds interesting, but I’m on the fence. Why should I join?

The restoring effect of quality men’s work is hard to describe in words. It’s one of those things you can only really understand once experiencing it. It takes bravery to commit to a men’s circle, but from my experience, it is universally worth it to anyone who is genuinely open to engaging in the vulnerable work it requires. Some of the benefits include:

  • More aliveness and openness

  • More confident communication

  • Greater ability to access emotions and be vulnerable

  • Accountability and support from the group in making important life changes

  • Camaraderie and shared language with a group of men on similar journeys

  • Embodiment practices to help stay centered in dignity amidst stressful situations

If you feel both intrigued and nervous, you’re probably in a good place to join.

Still curious but unsure? Please feel free to reach out with questions or book a time to chat with me about it. Or, if you don’t think now is the right time, you can sign up for the mailing list below to keep up with future offerings.

Coming in Fall 2024:

Buried Wisdom leads groups ranging from embodied book clubs, men’s circles for vulnerability and healing from patriarchy, and Dream Circles. Join the Buried Wisdom mailing list to receive updates about future events and offerings

“The delusion of perpetual ‘happiness’ is one of many traps that mainstream culture leads us into. I don’t wish to see people ‘happier’ per se, but rather to awaken a greater sense of aliveness and presence to the full spectrum of emotions and sensations that make up the human experience”